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The full moon and what you need to know!

Author: Imani Bunch

The Taurus full moon is bringing some powerful energies this weekend. It ironically falls on Halloween (Saturday 31st) or All Hallows Eve and continues out into Día de Los Muertos (Day of the dead November 1-2nd). If that isn’t enough to make you pause, then remember that election day is the following Tuesday, November 3rd. It’s an interesting combination, to say the least. And, while the election alone can seem like all the reason to crack open a bottle of wine, pause and hear this. It’s all to further your journey in growth and development. It’s a repetitive statement, but it’s true.

The full moon in Taurus is about death/rebirth, sustainable growth, and moving forward. With us in the beginning phases of the Aquarian era, major changes will become prevalent in our everyday lives. How we’ve done things is being highlighted for improvements. There’s an overall desire to evolve. There’s also a culmination of energies converging with all that’s taking place at the beginning of November, the month of Scorpio. On top of this big blue moon, we also have the major energies of Scorpio and Uranus.

One of the major characteristics of the scorpion is death/rebirth. So many things are ending while creating a space for something new to take its place. This can be noted in politics, pop culture, the economy, and so forth. It’s truly the circle of life, one thing ending before another begins. Change is occurring all around whether we know it or not. In understanding that having sustainable growth becomes a very important factor.

Mixing with the Scorpio energy is the Taurus moon asking us to really nurture ourselves and check-in. With birth and new beginnings on the horizon, the universe is asking us to consider what will really help us in the long haul? Expansion and sustainable growth aren’t just about completing that to-do list you made at the beginning of quarantine when you were motivated and optimistic. The answer isn’t fully there. The growth doesn’t just stem from outward physical work like routines and workflows. A lot of it is going to come from going within. We’re talking about buckling down and getting real about the things that heal you and help you grow. A lot of integration and learning will come from the plans that will keep and carry you over time. What will sustain you for the next several years? What practices and lifestyle adjustments will progress you into the ideal life for yourself? It’s in creating and implementing plans like those that will sustain the growth that you may find your soul calling for. It’s ok if during these times of understanding and grounding if you become selective in your growth. Being particular shows signs of self-respect, self-value, and love. This is your journey to go on and it will only work if it is done through you and by you. Through this, new foundations are built for the beginnings of new life cycles. It will help you move forward on your more favorable path.

While the moon is in Taurus and Scorpio energy dances around, Uranus will have entered the picture as well. Uranus will conjunct at eight degrees with the moon on the 31st. It’ll basically put the ball into motion. Uranus is the planet of disruption, freedom, and chaos. It acts somewhat like a liberator. It can cause major disruption, but in the end, it will have been to free you from what held you back. Taurus is very grounding and Scorpio is very transitory, but Uranus brings the motion to make everything work. With Uranus in Taurus, it shifts the notations of disruption. In Taurus, Uranus will bring about electrifying energy that will ask you to focus on grounding and owning who you are. Let the past be the past and own who you are in these now moments. It will shake you to get you focused. Any disruption that you come into is the energy of Uranus asking you to shake loose anything that’s no longer serving you. You can expect yourself to question topics like Self-love. Self-value, creativity, worthiness, and safety. Don’t run from the feelings or questions you find yourself in deep thought about. Lean into the curiosity of your emotions and focus on how you can bring change to your life.


When there’s a need to focus, there’s a distraction waiting eagerly waiting. With this Uranus conjunction, there will be a lot of noise around. And by noise, we don’t just mean physical sound. Noise can be anything that will keep you distracted from grounding yourself. We’re in a pinnacle time where new seeds are being planted. They require a lot of attention and without the right intention your crop can come out disappointing. You could easily find yourself in the same cycle. This is why it’s so important that you focus, get to know yourself, be kind to yourself. How you nurture and take care of you will set the tone for your future. It will be the underlying factor to a lot of puzzles so set the tone now. Take care of yourself. Don’t get caught up in the vortex of politics. Yes, it’s major but do what you can do and release the rest. Don’t let that take away from taking care of you. Create your vision of beauty in the world and move towards that.

During these times, it’s ok if you find yourself wanting to move, act. “It’s ok to forge through.” (Sarah Vrba 2020). It’s ok to move forward with life even if you’re unsure. Life will continue to proceed. I know for some that’s a hard concept to understand or accept looking at the year we’ve all had. But, the truth is, whether we’re all on one accord or not, the world will continue to move forward. It’s our job to only worry about what’s in our control and let the universe do the rest. Nonetheless, it’s ok to plan to travel, safely of course. It’s ok to start planning for your futures again. It’s ok to prepare for what hasn’t come to fruition yet. It’s that optimistic energy that will continue to help the world as we all forge though. We still need dreamers and planners. Though we’ve been in a stagnant state for most of the year, it doesn’t mean that we’ll stay. Ride the momentum of energy in the air. Let that assist you in movement and understanding how to apply it to your life.

Remember to meet yourself with grace. I hope this article finds you well and can offer some assistance. Remember though everything else you’re still here. That’s something to be proud of.


Sources :

Vrba,Sarah[VrbaSarah].(2020,October,24th).Taurus Full Moon - October 31-The courage to focus and dream{video} youtube.

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