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Healing Power of Sound Therapy

     The words power and therapy might invoke feelings of anxiety.  However, when used with good intention, the words power and therapy are synchronous forces.  In a society where the body and mind are in constant motion, the brain is elevated to an overwhelming state.  When the brain is elevated to an overwhelming state, the body follows suit.  An overwhelmed brain/body leads to physical illnesses, and mental imbalance.  Yes, mental health is strongly connected to our physical health.  Even with this known fact, as human beings it is difficult to teach ourselves the concept of stillness.  

     Stillness is a simple concept.  Stillness is the absence of motion.  Not just physical motion, but mental motion.  Meditation itself can take on many forms ranging from complete stillness, controlled breathing, and even sleeping.  Many of us indulge watching YouTube videos to view meditation techniques.  Some of us even pay hundreds of dollars to participate in meditation classes.  Since the brain itself is composed of vibration, electricity, light, and sensory detection, it makes sense that a practical way to calm the brain is through a similar outlet.  This outlet is called Sound Therapy.

     Sound can be defined as waves with vibrations.  Waves travel via air and light, both seen and unseen.  The brain itself functions when all of its vibrations are at a balance.  This is where sound therapy can heal many migraines, headaches, and even illnesses.  Sound helps the brain to recognize what is relaxing, versus what are disturbing sounds.  Disturbing sounds are sounds that do not have a repetitive wave pattern.  They are usually unnatural sounds that are loud and startle us when we hear them in the environment.  For example, fire alarms, ambulance sirens, horns, and trains are loud vibrations that can often give us headaches. 

     Natural sounds (derived from nature), such as ocean waves, birds chirping, and harmonious sounds, cause the brain to calm. The brain is a natural creation, not a man-made creation.  These sounds are classified as "white noise".  Sound therapy begins with  isolating yourself inside a quiet space to implement white noise into your daily meditation routine.  Since sound is stimulated by light, sound therapy is more effective with dim light, preferably a dark room.  White noise tells the brain, "I am going to synchronize with the same wave lengths that the brain is emitting".  


How to effectively use sound therapy on a daily basis:

1) Find an isolated space

2) Dim down the lights or turn off the lights

3) Turn on white noise. Natural and cosmic sounds (You can use an audio cd, find free music on YouTube, or use meditation apps such as "CALM")

4) Do not put too much focus on breathing or meditation posture.  Sound therapy can simply be done by laying down or sitting up.

5) Set a time for how long you want to do sound therapy. 

6) Focus on the white noise.  Slowly release unwanted thoughts with the vibrations of the sound waves

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